White Oak Bicycle Co-Op (WOB Co-Op)


Red Bank Now

4/18/20243 min read

Getting ready for the next educational class at another location.

We had a viewer of RedBankNow ask us to provide some information on the White Oak Bicycle Co-Op.

Fact Sheet:

White Oak Bicycle Co-Op is a 501c3 located here in Red Bank

Mailing Address: White Oak Bicycle Co-Op, P.O. Box 15102, Red Bank, TN 37415

Physical location: 2624 Lyndon Ave., Red Bank, TN 37415

Website: www.WhiteOakBicycle.org

email: contact@WhiteOakBicycle.org FaceBk: www.facebook.com/whiteoakbicycle


Kate Volzer – Director of Programing

Blake Pierce – Executive Director (Volunteer)

Volunteers – WOB Co-Op functions on volunteers and they are always looking for more

Board of Directors consisting of about 9 members

In the short space that I have I will not try to go over all what the WOB Co-Op has done or hopes to do; that can best be seen in the list of attached websites and documents which provides in great detail what their mission is and what they have done for Red Bank and hope to continue to do by growing their program which covers a large share of SE TN and NW GA. WOB Co-Op is fully funded by grants and donations which are provided by many organizations, both large and small businesses not to mention the countless number of individuals that have donated bicycles, money and time. They have surpassed the 1,000 mark for donating bikes to various people. All bikes donated to them are repaired or used to repair other bikes. No usable parts are discarded; they are removed and placed in marked bins so that another bike can be given away. Bikes can be donated at 1 of 3 locations in Red Bank: 1. Fire Hall #1 on Dayton Blvd., 2. (be)caffeinated on Dayton Blvd., 3. Recycle Center on north end of town on Dayton Blvd. Most recently they have added 2 work stations for bike repair through a donation by Jeff Roth Cycling Foundation. One is by the Kids Corner on Unaka St. and the other is at Stringers Ridge Connector Trail just off of Ben Miller Pkwy. Hopefully the tools will not get stolen as they are tethered with cables. One of their objectives is to try and establish a bike trail through Red Bank using back streets and obtaining railroad right of ways. Again the attached websites and documents explain all this in detail. So, if you have a bicycle you no longer use or need, donate it to the WOB Co-Op or if you are looking for a place to volunteer this may be the place for you.

Oh, by the way, I guess you are wondering how many bikes they have given away. As of today they have provided 1,261 refurbished bicycles back to the community at no cost. Here is the breakdown by the year.

2020: 38

2021: 178

2022: 402

2023: 511

2024 (as of 04/14): 132

Their next big event in Red Bank is the Jubilee

4th of May from 11:00am - 4:00pm

Bicycle Giveaway and Rodeo

Red Bank City Park across from Food City

Kids Corner Repair Station and Tools

Stringers Ridge Repair Station at Entrance to Trail